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Reading UCU Annual General Meeting 2024

Dear RUCU members,

We are sending you this email to invite you to the Reading UCU Annual General Meeting 2024.

This is the formal announcement, required under local rules (, of the meeting which will take place on Thursday the 13th of June 12:00. An agenda will be circulated for the meeting 14 days beforehand, by the 30th of May, as also required under local rules. We will need to have received any items for the agenda, including motions, by 12:00 on 28th of May.

If you would like to participate more in the Branch’s work, please consider standing for election as an ordinary Committee member or as one of the Branch Officers. If you would like more information, there is a description of the responsibilities of the roles currently in the Local rules of our website at in section 8 (also attached), or have a chat with one of the existing Committee members (names and contact details also on the website).

Our Returning Officer, Moray McAulay (Southern UCU Regional Official), will need to receive all nominations by 12 noon Thursday the 16th of May. ​Please send your nominations to Colette Maxfield, the Branch Administrator, who will pass them on to the returning officer. The nomination form is attached and also available on the Branch website at

Each self-nomination should be supported by two separate members of the Branch. Please include the two members in your email (in cc), so that they can email to confirm support for your nomination. Positions for which there is only one candidate will be elected unopposed, while any elections required will be carried out through an online ballot of members in the weeks between the close of nominations and the AGM.

Please do let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you everybody and take care

Reading UCU

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