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2018/19 Local Pay & Equality Claim

The Reading University branch of UCU drafted a large, ambitious claim which was submitted to the University of Reading management in September 2018, after endorsement by the RUCU membership at a Branch meeting in June that year.

The original claim covered three areas, The Gender Pay Gap, Casualisation and Grade Drift, and contained the following demands:

1) A commitment and strategy to close the gender pay gap at the University of Reading by 2020.
2) The addressing and monitoring of the use of precarious contracts of employment through the establishment of a joint-forum.
3) A collective agreement to transfer precariously employed staff onto permanent contracts of employment.
4) Commitment to specific financial investment to support the creation of more secure contracts of employment across the University.
5) Commitment to review arrangements for the employment of sessional and hourly-paid members of staff.
6) Commitment to the principle of paying the “rate for the job” and ensuring equal pay for work of equal value across the University.

The original claim submitted can be viewed here: