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Pension Guidance and Information

Please find below a list of links to guidance and fact-sheets on the USS Pension Scheme.

Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)

USS Factsheets:

  • Normal Retirement
  • Early Retirement
  • Flexible Retirement
  • Early Retirement due to Incapacity
  • Retirement due to Redundancy
  • Late Retirement

USS Benefit Illustrator: Designed to provide you with an estimate of your USS benefits at retirement

Joining the USS scheme

USS Annual Reports and Accounts

Overview of USS



UCU pension overview

USS Key Features


University of Reading

University of Reading information on:


Pension Wise

Pension wise website

Pension Wise is a free and impartial government service about your defined contributions pensions options. If you are over 50 years of age and have a pension that is based on how much has been paid in and are over 50 years of age you can check out your options.

There is an option to book a face-to-face meeting close to where you live or a phone appointment. Call 0300 330 1001 to book an appointment.

UCU – Free financial advice from Lighthouse

UCU: Lighthouse

As a member of UCU you are entitled to a no obligation, complimentary consultation with one of our professional advisers. Deciding how to secure the income you need for the rest of your life is one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make. Once you have made your decision it may well be impractical to revise your choices. While the “pension freedom” changes are, on the whole, for the better, they make drawing your pension more complicated and wrong decisions could have costly and far-reaching consequences.

The government is offering free guidance to help you understand your options. However this won’t provide you with comprehensive advice that takes into account your particular situation and needs. For that you should talk to us, UCU’s preferred provider of financial advice to members. The advice and recommendations we provide are specific to you.