This month, we conducted a quick-response anonymous online survey. In just one week, 175 members of Reading staff participated, and the results are telling:
- 91% of respondents think that the changes will worsen their job security;
- 86% think they will undermine their academic freedom;
- 97% think they will make it easier to fire academic and academic-related staff;
- 98% think they will make it easier to impose redundancies on academic and academic-related staff;
- 89% do not think they have been adequately explained by the University management;
- 86% do not think they have been proposed for good reasons;
- 67% think they will make them more likely to look for a job elsewhere;
- 91% of respondents are against the proposed removal of Statutes.
Reading UCU will use this information in its continued fight against the proposed changes. If you haven’t already, join the campaign!