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May, 2023:

Update on elections and Branch AGM

Dear Reading UCU Member,

I am writing to you in my capacity as Returning Officer for the Reading UCU Branch AGM and elections.

Nominations for roles in the Reading UCU Branch for 2023/24 academic year closed at noon on Thursday 18 May.  The following posts were uncontested and will be formally announced at the AGM.

President: Deepa Driver

Treasurer: Ellen Owens

Membership Secretary: Hattie Robinson

Anti-casualisation officer: Rita Balestrini

We continue to have several roles still available, and therefore I have decided to re-open nominations to the Reading UCU Branch Committee 2023/2024.

The new deadline for submitting a nomination is midday on Tuesday 13 June 2023.  A nomination form and can be found here, once completed should be sent to for the attention of Moray McAulay.

The following roles are available, and we encourage members to submit nominations for these roles for the next academic year:

UCU Branch Officers:

  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Equality Officer
  • Ordinary Committee member (9 posts)

For a more detailed description of each of these roles, please see the Local rules of our website at in section 8.

How to get involved in the Reading UCU Branch Committee

This is a great opportunity to get involved in the running of our branch by nominating yourself for a role. If you already have a role and wish to continue, please do not forget to fill in the attached form to nominate yourself.

If you wish to nominate yourself, you will need to include a proposer and seconder for each post (details about this are on the nomination form).

If you wish to share one of the posts, you will need to complete the nomination form to include both members’ details and indicate that you are sharing the role (i.e. one form, two names, one proposer, one seconder).

Should any post(s) be contested, UCU will organise an online ballot of members.  Further details on this will follow if applicable, and this will take place after the Reading UCU Branch AGM.

Reading UCU Branch AGM

The Reading UCU branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 1pm on Thursday 15 June 2023.  Papers for the meeting will be sent out by 1 June.  Please ensure any agenda items, including motions, are received by the branch ( by 5pm on 30 May.

Reading UCU would like to encourage members to get involved in their trade union, so please do put the Branch AGM in your diaries and consider standing for one of the Branch Committee positions.

We hope to see you at the AGM on Thursday 15 June 2023.

In solidarity

Moray McAulay

Regional Official, UCU Southern Region

RUCU Annual General Meeting 2023

Dear Members

We have sent you an email to invite you to the Reading UCU Annual General Meeting 2023. 

This is a formal announcement, required under local rules (, of the meeting which will take place on Thursday the 15th of June 13:00. An agenda will be circulated for the meeting 14 days beforehand, by the 1st of June, as also required under local rules. We will need to have received any items for the agenda, including motions, by 5pm on 30th of May.

If you would like to participate more in the Branch’s work, please consider standing for election as an ordinary Committee member or as one of the Branch Officers. If you would like more information, there is a description of the responsibilities of the roles currently in the Local rules of our website at in section 8, or have a chat with one of the existing Committee members (names and contact details also on the website). 

Our Returning Officer, Moray McAulay (Southern UCU Regional Official), will need to receive all nominations by 12 noon Thursday the 18th of May. ​Please send your nominations to Colette Maxfield, the Branch Administrator, who will pass them on to the returning officer. Nomination forms are available on the Branch website at

Each self-nomination should be supported by two separate members of the Branch. Please include the two members in your email (in cc), so that they can email to confirm support for the nomination. Positions for which there is only one candidate will be elected unopposed, while any elections required will be carried out through an online ballot of members in the weeks between the close of nominations and the AGM.

Please do let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you everybody and take care

Reading UCU