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May 2nd, 2019:

National Recruitment Week Events w/c 13th May

Reading UCU warmly welcomes non-members to the following events on campus!


Monday 13th May. 13:00 – 14:00. Agriculture Building. Information Stall. Find out what UCU can do for you!

Tuesday 14th May. 13:00 – 14:00. Harborne LT.  An Introduction to USS: your pension. Reading UCU welcomes you to an open meeting for all staff members. This meeting is aimed for any staff member who may find the technical jargon surrounding pensions confusing and we will also tackle recent developments within USS. Please join us to find out more, this session will be presented by our National UCU Pensions Officer.

Wednesday 15th May. 13:00 – 14:00. Harborne LT. The USS Dispute in context. Branch pensions officer and National Dispute Committee Co-Chair Deepa Govindarajan Driver will run a session directed at the important developments in the USS dispute. Deepa will present new research siting the USS dispute within the broader discussion of commodification, erosion of workers rights, equalities consideration, and financialisation of Higher Education as well as contextual developments at our own University.

Thursday 16th May. 13:00 – 14:00. Harborne LT. Why Join UCU? Introductory Session. Learn about our work at Reading to protect your rights, give you advice and support, and negotiate better conditions of pay and work.