Reading UCU Annual General Meeting 2019.
The meeting will take place:
Date: Wednesday 5th June
Time: 13:00-14:00
Please make every effort to attend.
An agenda will be sent out nearer the time. If you want to raise anything under AOB, please let us know by Thursday 16th May and this can be included on the agenda, and will be discussed if there is time (there is an amount of formal material that has to be got through in the AGM). Please click here for a Nomination Form for Committee members and officers, and here for a list of current RUCU officers. All positions are up for re-election every year and we would like to encourage you to think about joining the Committee and/or standing for one of the officer posts. We would particularly hoping that members who are working or have worked on a precarious contract – hourly-paid, part-time or fixed term – will be willing to bring that perspective to the Committee’s work, as this is currently an important area of focus for RUCU.
If you would like more information, there is a description of the responsibilities of the roles currently in the Local rules section of our website at (section 8), or have a chat with one of the existing Committee members (names and contact details also on the website). You could also come along to one of our regular Drop In sessions (Thursdays, 13:00 – 14:00) where Committee members will be happy to talk to you about how you can help the Branch, whether as a Committee member or in some other way.
Anyone being nominated needs to give their written consent by completing the Nomination Form, which must also be signed by two RUCU members. Nominees and proposers must all be Branch members paying appropriate subs.
Please return the Nomination forms by 5.00pm on Tuesday 7th May (Room 105, JJ Thomson Building).