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May 11th, 2017:

Programme of RUCU Events – NRW w/c 15th May

The RUCU Committee has arranged the following events for National Recruitment Week (w/c 15th May). Please do come along to events that will be helpful to you and take the opportunity to meet members of the committee. Please also forward on details of these events to colleagues who will find the meetings useful. 

Tuesday 16th May 12:00 – 14:00. Recruitment Stall – HUMSS Ground Floor Foyer (or outside if it’s sunny!)
Find out what UCU can do for you!
Tuesday 16th May 13:00 – 14:00. Casual/Insecure Contracts at University of Reading. 


This open meeting is for all colleagues on casual or ‘atypical’ contracts (this includes hourly paid, fractional, only-research, only-teaching, variable-time). The UCU Committee at Reading is collecting information about the experience in different departments and schools,  and would like to discuss rates of payment, grade, and workload with staff members. Please do come along even if you are not on a casual contract, especially if you can share the experience of colleagues within your department. The UCU Committee is committed to improving the conditions for staff on insecure contracts. Please pass on this information to non UCU members.
Thursday 18th May 12:00 – 14:00. Recruitment Stall – HUMSS Ground Floor Foyer (or outside if it’s sunny!)
Find out what UCU can do for you!
Thursday 18th May 13:00 – 14:00. Bullying and Harassment Meeting


Please come along to this open meeting to learn about the issues of bullying and harassment. These issues may affect you directly, or you may be aware that they are affecting colleagues around you. This meeting will be run by a UCU Regional Official, and this will be a chance to ask questions and learn about proactive steps that can be taken for those facing bullying and harassment in the workplace. You can also learn how UCU will support you if you encounter these problems. Please note that all staff are welcome and you do not need to be a UCU Member to attend this meeting. 
Thursday 18th May 14:00 – 15:00. Bullying and Harassment Drop In/Workshop
This an opportunity for UCU members to book a slot to speak to a Regional Official on a one to one basis,  if you have concerns related to Bullying and/or Harassment for yourself or a colleague. Please contact to book a 10 minute slot.