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February 21st, 2017:

Programme of RUCU Events w/c 27th February

The RUCU Committee has arranged the following events for National Recruitment Week (w/c 27th February). Please do come along to events that will be helpful to you and take the opportunity to meet members of the committee. Please also forward on details of these events to colleagues who will find the meetings useful, particularly colleagues on an hourly paid/fractional contract.

Tuesday 28th  February 13:00 – 14:00. Palmer 106.  Improving grade drift, insecure contracts and routes of progression, with UCU Regional Official. Please attend this meeting to learn what the RUCU Committee is doing to address issues here at University of Reading. All staff members are invited to give feedback on their experience, and it is especially important to attend if you are on an hourly paid or fractional contract.

Tuesday 28th February 14:00 – 15:00 Palmer 111. Drop In Workshops on Contracts for members only. Please email: to book a 10 minute slot, based on a ‘first come’ basis. RUCU committee members and a UCU Regional Official will be present to answer questions on employment contracts.

Tuesday 28th February 12:00-14:00 Palmer foyer. Information Stall. Find out what UCU can do for you!

Thursday 2nd March 12:30-13:30 Chemistry Building G50. Drop In Information Session. Members and non-members in the School of Chemistry, Food and Pharmacy are welcome to drop by and chat to a RUCU committee member.

Thursday 2nd March 12:00 – 14:00 HUMSS foyer. Information Stall. Find out what UCU can do for you!

We hope to see you there!