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July 14th, 2016:

RUCU Ballot Results: Contracts and Procedures

Dear Members,

Thank you to all those who voted in our recent Ballots. It was very important to send out a strong message to the University regarding these issues; making your voice heard does make a difference!  
We are now able to give you the results of the RUCU ballot over Contracts and Procedures, which closed Tuesday 12th July at 5pm.
Three questions were asked: the first two were asked of all members; the third question was asked of academic staff only.
1   Do you accept the removal of Statutes covering academic staff and the replacement of them by new procedures?
YES: 19.0%          NO: 81.0%
2    Regardless of where they are placed, do you agree with the wording of the new procedures?
YES: 23.3%          NO: 76.7%
3    Do you accept the new academic contract?
YES: 34.3%          NO: 65.7%

We will keep you updated as to the next steps in this process. Please let us know if you have any questions.